Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Friday, May 05, 2017

SunnySide Elementary School , Strathmore California ,It was an Awesome Ex.....

I'd like to Thank Jody Gunderman, Miguel M. Guajardo, and  Joe Lopez for arranging my presentation at Sunnyside #Elementary School  #Strathmore California,  as It was a unique presentation to the Students and Parents alike on Open House Day, (4-20-17) and what made It go so smooth and unique  is that Isabel Lopez was my translator (Spanish) and Lupe Garfield  was my assistant helping me hand out  drawn string tote bags, last but not least Irma Pedraza Guajardo for her Blue Cab Transportation Company  
  Being  the #Author of "Al the Green Rain Train" (an environmental book for children) I try to deliver a positive message about our environment , hopefully It was an environmental learning experience to be remembered and #appreciated and I also touched on the Idea that the parents were able to publish a book themselves with the help of their local library If need be, at the end of the presentation I left with a natural euphoric feeling knowing that I touched the students and parents alike in a positive way which made the presentation #Priceless
The above post was sponsored by "Al the Green Rain Train"
"Al the Green Rain Train" is an environmental book for children and a
Reminder to all rated 4.7 out of  5 stars (40) click on link to read reviews
or to make purchase Thank You and have a Great Day  
"Al the Green Rain Train" answering questions about his presentation

Help Others to Create a Mysterious and positive Aura

  It is said that "Success is the Best Revenge"  And that being happy and helping others creates a Mysterious and positive Aura th...