Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Friday, July 19, 2024

Lauren R. Guajardo, Optometrist UC Davis Eye Center


This is about my experience at the Tschanen Eye Institute and I was fortunate to have Dr. Lauren Guajardo (no relation) as my Opthalmologist, she is as professional as they get , she was very thorough in her examination and explanation, as she left no stone unturned, as she worked in sync and harmoniously with her assistant Ruth, a team that's not a Dream, after my thorough and comprehensive examination, I walked over about 15 ft. To the next station and ordered a new pair of reading glasses. And Cody Fisher was my Technician that helped me in ordering and choosing a new pair of glasses. You can't go wrong at this Eye institute because it's a one stop shop. With that being said I give them 5 stars 🤩 hands down.

hands down.

Lauren R. Guajardo O.D.

Senior Optometrist

Thursday, July 18, 2024

JB Fam Solutions, Builds Websites and can Retrieve Lost Ones


I needed and found a technician to transfer my domain and in the process he lost my blog and he didn't know how to retrieve it, and it was lost for about five days, and I was sick, so I went shopping for a new technician, and I verbally Interviewed at least 3 by phone and none knew how to retrieve nor did they know what I was talking about, That is until I ran into Mike Harrison from JB Fam Solutions, and he knew exactly what I was talking about and he said he could retrieve it, but it would take a couple of hours or a little more, Yes I  hired him, not only did he retrieve my blog but he had it up and running in just under 3 hours, he was able to  accomplish this with his experience, expertise and magical touch, Not only does he retrieve websites but he builds them also, here's his website and phone number Mike Harrison (737) 931-036 Click on this link --> Mike Harrison <

I was so happy that he retrieved my blog, as it had 10 years of irreplaceable poems and posts in general, So if you're in a tight concerning your website or blog  "Don't Panic" Keep a cool head and reach for the Phone and dial (737) 931-036 and ask for Mike Harrison or click on this link , Not only are his prices more than reasonable, You'll be on "Cloud Nine" and one "Happy Camper" when he either retrieves your lost blog or builds you a custom website.  Remember Don't Panic !! 

This post was sponsored by 

"Al the Green Rain Train"

Tuesday, January 09, 2024

Sheraton Grand Sacramento and Great Gatsby New Year's eve Party 2023-24

I attended the Great Gatsby New Years Eve party at the Sheraton Grand which I thought was over rated and over sold, and everyone was dressed to the nines and ten's from the 20's, a Great show of support and respect for a Great Gatsby New Years eve party, but it did take a half hour to check in and from the looks of it, It would've taken a half hour to 45 minutes to get a drink, so I just walked out and enjoyed the New Years eve at their bar and lounge area, which was not even crowded and the bar maids and servers like Adrias and Destiny served all drinks promptly with a smile 😊 and by the same token I met some really interesting and cool people, Like Captain Fuel and his Girlfriend, which we shared stories, made long distance phone calls and laughed in the New Year. After a good night's sleep I woke up and had a delicious breakfast 🥐🍳. I tried their buffet and it was the right decision as I had the pleasure of meeting Roslyn that works the buffet from all angles from the back to the front, she was Beautiful and extremely helpful as she made a special trip to the back to get a cold can of whip cream 🍨🍦Yes Roslyn is a hidden Gem, and I was also lucky enough to have a polite, helpful, friendly, and courteous server, her name is Shaima.
Roslyn and Shaima are two main reasons why the buffet and restaurant area has repeat customers.
All in all my stay at the Sheraton was unique, interesting, and an experience that I'll remember for a life time, with that being said I'll give them five ⭐ stars  
Author Alfred Guajardo

The above Review was sponsored by
"Al the Green Rain Train"
An Environmental book for Children and an Reminder to all

Author Alfred Guajardo USPTO

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

If The Moon Didn't exist, Life Would be Quite Boring and Uninteresting


If the Moon 🌜didn't exist, life on  Mother Earth would be boring and uninteresting as  It  would effect Artists, Poets, Philosophers, Astronauts, Earth's rotation, Song writers, Photographers, Dreamers, and we wouldn't have that famous tasty delicious Moon Pie, not to mention those Gazillion romantic evenings already spent gazing at the full moon, 🌝 and a Bazillion more to come,  actually I think it would effect everyone and anyone that can see it or not, Including thee almighty Howling Wolf 🐺 

(Author Alfred Guajardo) 😎

Saturday, August 12, 2023

Forbidden Fruit hanging from Desktops at Colonial Heights Library


Peter Coyl Director and CEO of Sacramento's Public Library and or to Whom it May Concern: 

This comment is concerning the newly supplied orange head phones hanging on the desk top computers at The Colonial Heights Library, For the convenience of the patrons, I myself don't think it's a good idea only because we just fought a major battle with covid and there's no doubt in my mind that its still lurking in the back round, getting ready to pounce when the opportunity arises, I know and understand that one has a choice, as to whether or not to use them, From my observation over 50% of the patrons choose too, Hell .05% is to many in my books, as that's all it takes, probably less than that To kick up another round of Covid,  keep in mind that I'm not a Doctor, Scientist,  nor do I work for the C.D.C.  I'm just a concerned Patron letting our Director and CEO (Peter Coyl)  of Sacramento's Public Library that we have Forbidden Fruit hanging on our desktops  at the Colonial Heights Library. 

Let's share this post so the word can get out, Thank You, Al. 


Author Alfred Guajardo                                              Al The Green Rain Train     


Forbidden fruit hanging from the desktops at Colonial Heights Library, Sacramento



Saturday, August 05, 2023

Lottery Winnings, This post is Directed to our Lottery Officials


Let's figure out a way where there's one winner per 100 million dollars or even 50 million dollars, instead of one winner for a Billion dollars, we will sell more tickets and obviously have more winners, and it should help our economy out by having it spread out that much more,  don't say it's not possible and we can't, because we can. We just have to have a meeting of the minds and figure out a well thought out plan, I predict and see something of the sorts in the future. Only if our lottery officials become creative and more open minded. Thank you I said my peace 😊

(Author Alfred Guajardo

Feel free to post your comment, remain anonymous if you'd like

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Environmental Super Hero, Is Author Alfred Guajardo, Just for the Record


Just for the Record, Author Alfred Guajardo is live with USPTO, (United States Patent and Trade Office) As  "Environmental Super Hero" As his application was filed On 5-17-23

                                         Environmental Super Hero, Author Alfred Guajardo  


 Environmental Super Hero 

Click on link above to view Official application details, Thank You, Al  

Saturday, June 10, 2023

Author Alfred Guajardo, Local Guide, Sacramento California


Hello, My name is Author Alfred Guajardo, born in Loveland Colorado and raised in Sacramento California and I'm a local guide in the Greater Sacramento area (Google Reviews) and surrounding cities and states, I'm also a semi retired carpenter, Amateur Poet, Golfer, Angel Investor, Foodie, and the Author of "Al the Green Rain Train" an Environmental book for Childern and an reminder to all, In any case I have made more than 183 contributions and climbing, my reviews consist  of Restaurants, Hospitals, Bike shops, Clubs, Parks, Regional Transit, Print shops, Fabric shops, Ice cream Shops  And more, click on link below to read some 5 star reviews about the Sacramento area 

                             Local Guide       

Friday, April 21, 2023

Quote by Author Alfred Guajardo, Sacramento California


                         "Quote of the Day"

Somethings that are said, Should be written an Red

                      Author Alfred Guajardo


                    Environmental Superhero

Lauren R. Guajardo, Optometrist UC Davis Eye Center

  This is about my experience at the Tschanen Eye Institute and I was fortunate to have Dr. Lauren Guajardo (no relation) as my Opthalmolog...