Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Friday, December 16, 2022

Harry and Meghan Markle's reconciliation with the Royal Family ? Not anytime soon, Yet Possible


Right wrong or indifferent, I believe that Harry's Brother William and his Dad King Charles along with other family members, Will forgive Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, and vice versa  not anytime soon but in the future, As someone has to step up to the plate, and it should be the Senior members, Being King Charles and Prince William, As that's the King's duty, obligation and responsibility,  to bring peace and make amends within the Royal Family, Being King is more than a Coronation while being handed a crown with Glitz, Pomp and Glamour, while waving to family, friends and dignitaries, Now is the time for the King to roll up his shirt sleeves and go to work and come up with a well thought out  engineered plan that will hopefully bring the families back together again not an easy task yet not impossible, Now the question is will Prince Harry and Meghan understand and be willing to step back into and be family members ? (Not talking Royal duties)  I think 🤔 so ! As this unfortunate and uncomfortable dark cloud  that lingers within the Royal family cannot go on forever ! as a majority of that cloud needs to dissipate ! It is said that internet Sleuth's, News casters and Royal family experts, that Harry and Meghan's Strained  relationship with the Royal family is beyond repair ? and that all bridges were burned ?  Well I disagree 100% whole heartedly in so many different ways as it's just a matter of time and a willing and positive effort from both sides, that the strained relationship will be back to almost normal ! and I say almost normal. With that being said I also believe that the strained relationship will be healed so so  on the outside and will always be felt and never forgotten  on the Inside,  I admit that the situation looks dark, dreary and bleak, but remember that there's always a ripple of hope after a full-on Tsunami !   I've said it more than once and I'll say it again If it wasn't for "Monies" the Royal family would not be going through these unfortunate predicaments and unsuspecting times. As everyone has an opinion and or theory, and this is mine ! Last but not least I'm Praying and wishing the Royal families the best in these unsettling, and tumultuous times.  

(Author Alfred Guajardo) 

If anyone would like to leave a comment, feel free to chime in, Remain anonymous if  you'd  like,   Thank You, Al 



Lupe said...

Royal family or not, a family that has differences is sad. My opinion is that they need to mend their difference but who will step up to do it. Any family that is broken needs a strong person to stand up and try to fix it. Bringing together a family is hard and sometimes can cause more hurt and pain. Will King Charles or Prince William step up to the plate is another story. Hopefully they can and will bring their families together again

Anonymous said...

Wishing the Royal family the best

Lauren R. Guajardo, Optometrist UC Davis Eye Center

  This is about my experience at the Tschanen Eye Institute and I was fortunate to have Dr. Lauren Guajardo (no relation) as my Opthalmolog...