Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

From Darkness to Happiness , Wild Boar Soccer Team, Thailand

From Darkness to Happiness, The "Wild Boar" soccer team, Thailand
At a tender age energized curious and screaming for adventure all part of a tradition with no clue to events to come, from open air with an overcast  to a dank  dark Cave lined with stalactites and stalagmites all under a mystical mountain and Invited by Mother Natures beauty and silence. Then chased by a monsoon to their near demise through a meandering  trail filled with water and uncertainty. After nine days of prayer with little food and water their prayers were answered.
As a thousand soldiers united and charged to the rescue leaving one comrade to his demise. All under the watchful eyes of millions, along with moral support and prayers. Families were united with happiness and tears of joy, All Thankful to the Mystical Princess  (Alfred Guajardo)
       Family, friends and the soccer team no doubt Thanks the Lord, Navy Seals and the many thousands that were part of a unique team that accomplished the impossible. Last but not least prayers to the Navy Seal that met his demise in the process. Amen
Never ever give up just ask a member of  the "Wild Boar" soccer team, (Thailand )

The above post was sponsored by "Al the Green Rain Train"
An environmental book for children and a reminder to all rated 4.7 out of 5 (41)  to make purchase or to read reviews click on link, Thank You and have a Great Day

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