Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Thursday, September 12, 2013

"The Painted Cork ,Sac, (..Unique and Stylish..)

I had the pleasure of meeting Michael, Kimberly and their
Son, Michael at "Chalk It Up 2013", owners of "The Painted Cork"
An art studio with an unique and stylish way to bring out your art
Talents, for the beginner or novice, yes tip and crack bread while your
Painting, (B.Y.O.B.), contact, Kimberly for further details @
Photos of Students painting's
(The above post was sponsored by "Al the Green Rain Train")
Environmental book for Kids


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Help Others to Create a Mysterious and positive Aura

  It is said that "Success is the Best Revenge"  And that being happy and helping others creates a Mysterious and positive Aura th...