Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

"California International Marathon, 2012" (stick and stay) December 2nd, Rain or Shine !!!

Keep in mind, In order to place in the C.I.M.,one should conserve their
Energy, as his or her excitement and enthusiasm, can be over whelming. At
the start one must be disciplined and determined to keep a nice comfortable
Pace For the first half, You'll then be more prepared to release your reserved
Energy, enthusiasm, and excitement, for the duration of the Marathon, now
Remember that it is equally important that you do not deviate from YOUR
Well thought out game plan, Good Luck, and I'll see you at the end, Al
(Dedicated to all cim runners)

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