Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Thursday, November 17, 2011

"The Sacramento Bee"(Bosco use too make Dog....)

I've been reading the Bee all my life and
Really enjoy the Informative articles Thru
The years, as I don't always agree with
The Forum, as it can be questionable others
Debate able I agree with 50% or better, not
Only do I enjoy reading it, I have found other
Uses for the paper, like covering the floor
When I'm painting, lining the garbage can
Rolling it up and swatting a fly, cleaning the
Windows, too many to list, and when Bosco
Was a pup he use too make Dog do on it
Alfred Guajardo@alspoemzone
This post was sponsored by "Al the Green Rain Train" to read
reviews click on link (environmental book for children)

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Lauren R. Guajardo, Optometrist UC Davis Eye Center

  This is about my experience at the Tschanen Eye Institute and I was fortunate to have Dr. Lauren Guajardo (no relation) as my Opthalmolog...