Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way of "Amtrak"

Author Alfred Guajardo enjoying his journey through time and space by way  of "Amtrak"
Author Alfred Guajardo, Environmental Super Hero USPTO, Helping Mother Earth bring in a "Storm"

Monday, August 16, 2010

"Blood Source Midtown" (Sacto)

A unique organization
Giving one a chance by giving blood
A precious gift and thought in life
A gift your mind and body will replenish
You could be helping a new born
Or one involved in a unfortunate incident
Not only will your mind and spirit Glow
But your humanitarian effort will help save a life
A priceless experience and a Win Win situation
(I'd like to thank Heather and Tabatha for making)
(the procedure as comfortable and smooth as possible)
Alfred Guajardo@alspoemzone
This post was sponsored by "Al the Green Rain Train"  click on link
to read reviews, Thank you, Al

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